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Chemisch Dispuut Leiden

Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Chemisch Dispuut Leiden.
Chemisch Dispuut Leiden
Dieses Form hat eine von der Organisation festgelegte Begrenzung der Einreichungen. Es sind noch 3 Einsendungen übrig.
Alumni avond 2024

On Friday the 22nd of March the CDL organises an alumni evening. Here you can get in touch with people who have the same educational background you do. This way you have the opportunity to explore some of the possible career paths you could take. They’ll tell you about all their experiences applying for jobs, their reasoning behind their career choices and what their working life is like. There’ll be alumni from different sectors to paint a clear picture of all the possibilities after your studies. 

The evening will start with short presentations about the alumni. Afterwards you get the opportunity to chat with the alumni and ask all your questions. The evening will start at 19:00 at the Foobar and will end at 22:00 at the latest. Are you interested in learning more about all the possibilities? Then sign up!