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Chemisch Dispuut Leiden
ExtrAkCie CDL Soccer Tournament 2024

It is time for the annual soccer tournament of the ExtrAkCie! Below, you can sign up your team of 5 to 7 people! The costs of this event will be 5 euros per person, for which you can join our soccer competition, enjoy some fries and a snack, and even get a free drink at the new bar De Fusie afterwards! You’ll want to be in peak condition as the winning team of the tournament will receive an epic prize!

The tournament will be held on Tuesday the 11th of June, and we will start at 12:00h at the USC fields. The tournament will finish at 17:30h after which we will go to the bar for the award ceremony.

You can sign up until the 7th of June at 18:00h!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Team of 5 players
With this ticket, you can register a team of 5 players! Only one ticket is required for registering the entire team!
Team of 6 players
With this ticket, you can register a team of 5 players! Only one ticket is required for registering the entire team!
Team of 7 players
With this ticket, you can register a team of 7 players! Only one ticket is required for registering the entire team!