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Chemisch Dispuut Leiden

Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Chemisch Dispuut Leiden.
Chemisch Dispuut Leiden
GIDARA lunchlezing

Dear members,

Recycling non-recybleble waste is of course a HOT-topic when talking about sustainability, and for good reason! GIDARA uses their patented High Temperature Winkler® (HTW®) technology to convert this waste into valuable chemical building blocks and advanced biofuels! Their HTW® technology is the leading waste gasification technology, with decades of experience. 

Join us the 10th of January for the Gidara lunchlecture! It will take place in DM1.15, from 13.00 h to 14.00 h. The first 25 people to sign up will recieve a free lunch!