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Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging

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Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging
Registration form Sociology Day 2024

Registration form for the Sociology Day 2024 in Nijmegen

Members of the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV), the professional association of sociologists in the Netherlands, get a discount on the Sociology Day’s fee. Are you not a member yet? You can now easily become one. Your membership will expire on 31-12-2024. You will receive an e-mail from the NSV secretariat to fill out the membership form. More information on the NSV can be found on:

Why become a member? NSV members…
• contribute to the collective good
• receive “Sociologie Magazine” four times a year
• get a discount on NSV activities
• stay informed via the newsletter

Choose one of the following options:

I am NOT a bachelor or master student and…
I attend the Sociology Day and I am already an NSV member
Fee is 100 Euros
I attend the Sociology Day and I become an NSV member
Fee is 100 Euros; NSV membership until 31-12-2024 is 66 Euros
I attend the Sociology Day without becoming an NSV member
Fee is 175 Euros
I attend the Sociology Day and I am an NSV honorary member
You do not have to pay a fee

I am a bachelor or master student and…
I attend the Sociology Day and I am already an NSV member or do not want to become an NSV member
Fee is 25 Euros
I attend the Sociology Day and I become an NSV member
Fee is 25 Euros; NSV membership until 31-12-2024 is 25 Euros
* We want attendance to the Sociology Day to be possible for everyone. The building is easily accessible for wheelchair users. If you have any other questions about accessibility, please contact the organization at dvds2024@nsv.nl.

* The organizing committee of the Sociology Day 2024 will use your personal data only for registration purposes and communication about the Sociology Day 2024; your personal data will be deleted afterwards.

Your registration is final once we have received your payment. You will be automatically directed to a payment link if you click “Afronden”.
You will receive a confirmation of your registration and payment by e-mail.
