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Studievereniging AKT

Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Studievereniging AKT.
Studievereniging AKT
Dieses Form hat eine von der Organisation festgelegte Begrenzung der Einreichungen. Es sind noch 4 Einsendungen übrig.
Introduction Camp 2024 (non-members)

It’s officially time to sign up for this year’s introduction camp organized by our Kampcie! From the 27th till the 29th of September you’ll have the opportunity to get to know your fellow first years while playing games, having parties and so much more. All of the activities will be around the theme Kids Television, so bring your youthful spirit to make some fun new memories :). 
Price +/- 37,00 euros 

NOTE: If you are an AKT-member, use the link for AKT-members! If you're not an AKT-member yet, but want to be, you can sign up through our website.