Sign-up form G.S.B.C. AMOR 🏸

The undersigned hereby registers as a member of G.S.B.C. AMOR until further notice and will comply with the obligations (as stated in the AoA and IR) that this membership entails. This includes the purchase of an ACLO sports card. We strongly recommend you take our 3 free badminton trials before you sign up. We recommend this because after the sign-up form has been filled in, you automatically agree to paying the membership subscription you signed up for. As a member you will automatically be added to the Badminton Nederland register. This is included in the membership fee. Members with a half-year membership get added to the register of Badminton Nederland in the new year. The membership can only be cancelled by contact with the secretary of G.S.B.C. AMOR (

List of AMOR's committees:
Membership: (
Below are listed the kinds of memberships we offer. These options will be treated as a request, but will have to be agreed upon by our technical committee and board.
As a sleeping member you're not playing badminton at AMOR, but you will be invited to other (social) activities.
Bank account information
Authorization payment obligations G.S.B.C. AMOR:
I hereby authorize G.S.B.C. AMOR (direct debit ID: NL74ZZZ400245210000) to collect all payment obligations from my account. A payment obligation is collected in the last week of the month in which the payment obligation was entered into or in the last week of the following month. These invoices result from the use of services or events offered through G.S.B.C. AMOR. This authorization expires after written cancellation of membership with the secretary or after the withdrawal of this authorization from the treasurer.
Authorization collection of data by G.S.B.C. AMOR:
For more information about the collection of data you can read our privacy policy: