Newcastle United Supporters Club
Thank you for this participation but this sale is closed!
Everton - Bus Travel

Date: 07/12/23

Everton - Adult Ticket 16+ (Member Only) (Sold Out)
Everton - Bus Travel
Date: 07/12/23
Pick up: Bewick Street, Newcastle City Centre
Pick Up Time: 13:30pm
Drop Off: Goodison Park
Departure Time: After the match
*You will be asked to provide your NUSC membership number onboarding so please have this with you.
Everton - Child Ticket (Member Only) (Sold Out)
Everton- Bus Travel
Date: 07/12/23
Pick up: Bewick Street, Newcastle City Centre
Pick Up Time: 13:30pm
Drop Off: Goodison Park
Departure Time: After the Match
*You will be asked to provide your NUSC membership number onboarding so please have this with you.
Administrative Fee