Erasmus Dance Society
Personal Details
To protect the privacy of minors (people under the age of 18) please consider entering only their initials instead of their full first name.

Your member ID can be found within any confirmation mail you received from EDS after August 2021.

Contact Details

Type in some of your address details to locate your address

Payment Details
In case you have a foreign bank account, please select "Payment Request" and enter your BIC code in the "Additional Information" box.

By providing your IBAN you permit us to debit your account in connection with your membership.

Other Details

In the case that there are no dance subscriptions available, please wait patiently until the next registration period or REFRESH the page. The "Newsletter" subscription does not grant access to dance classes.

We may need to see proof of enrollment if you are above the age of 25

A sports pass is required to dance with EDS


Group members