Persoonlijke gegevens
Indien u gegevens van minderjarigen importeert kunt u wegens privacyredenen het best gevoelige informatie achterwege laten die niet nodig is voor de factuur. Zo kunt u initialen gebruiken in plaats van de volledige voornaam.
Preferably enter a mobile number

Vul een aantal velden in om je adres te vinden

How do you want to pay your bills?

Met het invullen van mijn IBAN geef ik toestemming om de lidmaatschapskosten automatisch van mijn rekening af te laten schrijven.

Andere gegevens

Choose from one of the memberships shown. The amounts shown do not include any discount. For a non-full season, you get a discount on the membership fee (you only pay for the remaining months of the season).

Depending on the balance on your Ooievaarspas, an adult receives a maximum 50% discount and a youth member a 100% discount on the membership fee. The remaining part has to be paid by the member himself.

For youth members: also ask your parent(s) or guardian(s).

Enter email address for invoices if different from email address for contact. For youth members, enter email address of parent(s) or guardian(s)

Is there anything else you want us to know?


*Cancellation of membership can only be done in writing before 1 June each year by sending an e-mail to Later cancellation will result in an after-charge, see Members of Orbiton are expected to take note of the statutes and commit to them.